• STaRS Key Stage 1 Package
    (Years 1 and 2)


    The Life Skills STaRS programme for Key Stages 1 and 2 is a PSHE teaching and learning resource for children in :

    • Year 1 (Little Stars)
    • Year 2 (Super Stars)

    Preparing our children to make safe and healthy choices in the future, across 6 lessons per year group.

    £5 discount on the separate purchase of both programmes.

  • Little STaRS
    (Year 1)


    A six-lesson programme for Year 1 covering PSHE topics on Medicines, Feelings and friendship, People who help us stay healthy, Risk, Staying safe at home and Computer safety.

    Download the lesson plans from the link in the email alongside the appropriate resource sheet. Let our fun animated Resili-ant character introduce and close each lesson.

    The class poster can be used to reward progress week by week, and individual certificates reward completion of the Little Stars programme. On completion, we’d be really grateful for your feedback via the TEACHER FEEDBACK link.

  • Super STaRS
    (Year 2)


    A six-lesson programme for Year 2 covering PSHE topics on Medicines, Stress and worry, People who help us, Risks and consequences, Staying safe at home and Online safety.

    Download the lesson plans from the link in the email alongside the appropriate resource sheet. Let our fun animated Resili-Ant character introduce and close each lesson.

    The class poster can be used to reward progress week by week, and individual certificates reward completion of the Super Stars programme. On completion, we’d be really grateful for your feedback via the TEACHER FEEDBACK link.

  • Life Skills STaRS - Key Stage 2 Package

    STaRS Key Stage 2 Package
    (Years 3 and 4)


    The Life Skills STaRS programme for Key Stage 2 is a PSHE teaching and learning resource for children in :

    • Year 3 (Shooting Stars)
    • Year 4 (Mega Stars)

    Preparing our children to make safe and healthy choices in the future across 6 lessons per year group.

    £5 discount on buying both programmes separately.

  • Life Skills Shooting STaRS - Year 3 Programme

    Shooting STaRS
    (Year 3)


    A six-lesson programme for Year 3 covering PSHE topics on Medicines, Friendship, Choosing or not to use drugs (Vaping), Diversity, Staying safe outside and Managing time online.

    Download the lesson plans from the link in the email alongside the appropriate resource sheet. Let our fun animated Resili-ant character introduce and close each lesson.

    The class poster can be used to reward progress week by week, and individual certificates reward completion of the Little Stars programme. On completion, we’d be really grateful for your feedback via the TEACHER FEEDBACK link.

  • Mega STaRS for Year 4

    Mega STaRS
    (Year 4)


    A six-lesson programme for Year 4 covering PSHE topics on Medicines, Peer pressure, Choosing or not to use drugs (Alcohol), Healthy lifestyles, Staying safe outside the home and Sharing media files online.

    Download the lesson plans from the link in the email alongside the appropriate resource sheet. Let our fun animated Resili-Ant character introduce and close each lesson.

    The class poster can be used to reward progress week by week, and individual certificates reward completion of the Super Stars programme. On completion, we’d be really grateful for your feedback via the TEACHER FEEDBACK link.